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Our focus Advancing your enterprise through strategic initiatives
About us

Organizations advance in a stepping stone pattern: across a series of new strategies, offerings, capabilities, and innovations. But which initiatives? And how will they be accomplished in today's challenging economy?

Dave Lash & Company specializes in helping organizations in three areas of initiative:

Formulating and implementing smart, well-balanced strategy;
Marshalling the resources to develop new offerings & capabilities; and
Rethinking structures and processes to improve operational effectiveness.

We offer an uncommon synthesis of strategy, innovation, facilitation, and project management -- the product of over 30 years of this work.     Learn more >>

Clients Our clients are innovative businesses and institutions across a wide spectrum of industries, with a focus on education and knowledge-intensive sectors. We work closely with top executives and managers -- entrepreneurs, CEOs, vice presidents, product managers, and program directors.     Client list >>

We create value for clients in two ways:

  • As consultant, facilitator and coach, we help think and plan.
  • As project manager and solution architect, we help design and build.

Details on services >>

Workshops We offer workshops on successful entrepreneurial strategy, innovation, and collaboration, along with custom programs designed to your organization’s needs.  More >>


Dave Lash & Company, 73 Lake Shore Avenue, Hamilton, Massachusetts 01982, 978-468-6633
All rights reserved. Copyright 2013, Dave Lash & Company